- cerebrosides
- цереброзиды
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
Cérébrosides — Cérébroside Les cérébrosides sont des lipides qui font partie des glycosphingolipides (appelés aussi simplement sphingolipides) , ils sont constitués d’un céramide lié par une liaison éther à un ou plusieurs ose(s) neutre(s)[1]. Pour les oses… … Wikipédia en Français
cerebrosides — n. pl. [L. cerebrum, brain; F. ide, from oxide] Phospholipids probably common to all living cells … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Cerebroside — Cerebrosides is the common name for a group of glycosphingolipids called monoglycosylceramides which are important components in animal muscle and nerve cell membranes. They consist of a ceramide with a single sugar residue at the 1 hydroxyl… … Wikipedia
sphingolipid — ▪ biochemistry any member of a class of lipids (fat soluble constituents of living cells) containing the organic aliphatic amino alcohol sphingosine or a substance structurally similar to it. Among the most simple sphingolipids are the… … Universalium
LIPIDES — Le terme de lipides recouvre un ensemble de composés naturels qui ont la propriété d’être insolubles dans l’eau, en raison de la présence, dans leurs molécules, de longues chaînes hydrocarbonées d’acides gras ou de dérivés. À l’inverse, ils sont… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cérébroside — Les cérébrosides sont des lipides qui font partie des glycosphingolipides (appelés aussi simplement sphingolipides). Ils sont constitués d’un céramide lié par une liaison éther à un ou plusieurs ose(s) neutre(s)[1]. Pour les oses chargés voir les … Wikipédia en Français
cerebroside — A class of glycosphingolipid; specifically, a monoglycosylceramide (ceramide monosaccharide), the sugar being attached to the CHOH moiety of the sphingoid. Cerebrosides are found in the myelin sheath of nerve tissue; e.g., kerasin, nervon,… … Medical dictionary
sphingolipid — Any lipid containing a long chain base like that of sphingosine ( e.g., ceramides, cerebrosides, gangliosides, sphingomyelins); a constituent of nerve tissue. * * * sphin·go·lip·id .sfiŋ gō lip əd n any of a group of lipids (as sphingomyelins and … Medical dictionary
lipid storage disease — Any of a group of relatively rare hereditary disorders of fat metabolism in which enzyme defects cause distinctive types of lipids to accumulate. They include Tay Sachs disease, Gaucher disease, Niemann Pick disease, and Fabry disease. Several… … Universalium
Galactose — A sugar contained in milk. Galactose makes up half of the sugar called lactose that is found in milk. Lactose is called a disaccharide, di meaning 2, since lactose is made up of two sugars, galactose and glucose, bound together. Galactose is… … Medical dictionary
cerebronic acid — A constituent of brain cerebrosides and other glycolipids. SYN: phrenosinic acid. * * * cer·e·bron·ic acid .ser ə .brän ik n a hydroxy fatty acid obtained from phrenosin by hydrolysis * * * cer·e·bron·ic ac·id (ser″ə bronґik) a fatty… … Medical dictionary